

FTEOS predicts the high-pressure density of liquids using the Fluctuation Theory-based Tait-like Equation of State [FT-EoS] [Fuel, 2018, 219, 176-181]. FT-EoS.m returns the values of the density evaluated at the pressure P and the temperature T; coefrho and coeflogkT are the polynomial coefficients, which approximate the density and the logarithm of the isothermal compressibility at normal atmospheric pressure. P and T can be an individual pair of values or a column of pressures values and a row of temperature values. For the last case, the function returns the square matrix of densities evaluated for each pressure and temperature, where the ordering of pressures and temperatures coresponds to columns/rows indidices, respectively. The particular cases such as the combinations “column of the pressure values/one temperature” for isotherms, and “one pressure/row of temperatures” for isobars are possible.

Summary: The MATLAB tool (open source) allows to predict and model the density as a function of temperature and pressure for compressed working fluids (e.g. fuels).

We are grateful for the financial support based on Decision No. 2016/23/B/ST8/02968 from the National Science Centre (Poland).



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